What is Active Dreaming?

Active Dreaming is a guided process to help you access the liminal space and induce a hypnogogic state of consciousness. This state of consciousness has been used throughout human history to solve complex problems, create art, resolve conflicts, reduce grief and innovate new ideas.

We are all born dreamers, but we often lose or diminish our capacity to dream over time. Our capacity to dream impacts our life force, our vitality and our creativity.

I will help you explore your dreams and what they mean to you with quality questions. Your dreams are a sacred part of who you are.


of, relating to, or occurring in the period of drowsiness immediately preceding sleep

- Merriam-Webster definition

In this state the delta and sigma brainwave patterns increase especially in the deeper stages. The alpha brain waves move from the posterior regions of the brain to the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe.

Whole brain activity in primarily the delta wave form and the sigma wave form are noted.

- Topographical Characteristics and Principal Component Structure of the Hypnagogic EEG by Hideki Tanaka, Mitsuo Hayashi and Tadao Hori